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The end of the year gifts for 2022

What are the trends in the year-end landscape for promotional gifts for customers and employees?????

We are late decision makers when it comes to Christmas gifts. However, Christmas always falls on December 25.

When I talk to Dutch colleagues, they go completely crazy that we only start in November/December for the end-of-year gifts.

We are happy to lend a hand to help you find the right gift based on the trends we see in our customer base.


What are the trends for promotional gifts for customers at the end of the year 2022? Sustainability and fun ????

Putting your top customers in the spotlight at the end of the year is a must. When it becomes more difficult in terms of deliveries, price increases, it is important to support the customer relationship. Traditionally, a Belgian likes to get. Without spending exuberant amounts, you can thank that customer relationship in a nice way for the cooperation and trust.

Yes, I am repeating myself, but it is striking that today our customers themselves are asking for a sustainable variant.

We choose a classic but in a sustainable jacket.

For example, a wine set in bamboo or a drinking bottle in recycled steel.

A second trend is fun. We choose a classic and put a nice quote or drawing referring to our product on it.

Trend 2022 for promotional gifts for employees? Warmth and togetherness ????

According to employees, our customers seem to put the heat in the spotlight. Depending on the budget, it is a combination of socks / hat and plaid. Let’s create a warm Christmas together for each of us.

The choice gift concept, where you as an employee can have a gift of your choice delivered at home on the basis of a voucher, is less popular. Contributing a message to the same gift for everyone in order to highlight the company’s values ​​all the more.


Are we tired of food giftbaskets ?

No, we can’t say that yet. It is and remains a trend, but in this we see board games making their appearance, which in turn carry togetherness and connection. Of course an aperitif tastes good with everyone ????

Check out our end of year gadgets

As the end of the year approaches, many businesses are looking for creative and thoughtful ways to show appreciation to their employees, clients, and customers. One effective way to do this is by giving end-of-year gifts that are practical, stylish, and personalized with a company logo. In this blog, we’ll explore some of the benefits of giving end-of-year gifts and provide some ideas for gadgets with logos that make great gifts.

Benefits of Giving End-of-Year Gifts

  1. Show Appreciation: Giving end-of-year gifts is a great way to show appreciation to employees, clients, and customers. By providing a thoughtful and personalized gift, businesses can demonstrate that they value their relationships and are grateful for their support.
  2. Build Relationships: End-of-year gifts can help to strengthen relationships between businesses and their stakeholders. By providing a gift that is practical, stylish, and personalized with a company logo, businesses can create a lasting impression that will be appreciated.
  3. Increase Brand Awareness: Customizing gifts with a company logo is an effective way to increase brand awareness. By providing a gift that is useful and stylish, businesses can create a subtle yet effective marketing opportunity that will promote their brand.
  4. Boost Morale: End-of-year gifts can help to boost employee morale and create a positive workplace culture. By providing a gift that is personalized and thoughtful, businesses can create a sense of camaraderie and teamwork that will inspire employees to continue working hard.

Gadgets with Logos that Make Great End-of-Year Gifts

  1. Customized Tech Gadgets: Personalized tech gadgets, such as USB drives or wireless chargers, are practical gifts that are sure to be appreciated by employees, clients, or customers. By adding a company logo to the gadget, businesses can create a stylish and useful gift that promotes their brand.
  2. Branded Water Bottles: Customized water bottles are a practical and eco-friendly gift that can be used by employees, clients, or customers on a daily basis. By adding a company logo to the bottle, businesses can promote their brand and demonstrate their commitment to sustainability.
  3. Customized Umbrellas: Customized umbrellas are a practical gift that can be used by employees, clients, or customers on rainy days. By adding a company logo to the umbrella, businesses can create a stylish and useful gift that promotes their brand.
  4. Branded Notebooks: Customized notebooks are a practical gift that can be used by employees, clients, or customers for taking notes or keeping track of important information. By adding a company logo to the notebook, businesses can create a stylish and useful gift that promotes their brand.
  5. Personalized Apparel: Customized apparel, such as t-shirts or hoodies, is a practical and stylish gift that can be worn by employees or clients. By adding a company logo to the apparel, businesses can create a gift that promotes their brand and creates a sense of team spirit among employees.

Tips for Choosing End-of-Year Gifts

  1. Consider the Recipient: When choosing end-of-year gifts, it’s important to consider the recipient’s interests and preferences. For example, if the recipient is tech-savvy, a customized tech gadget may be a great choice.
  2. Personalize the Gift: Adding a personalized touch to the gift, such as a company logo or custom message, can help to create a lasting impression that will be appreciated by the recipient.
  3. Choose Practical Gifts: Practical gifts, such as water bottles or umbrellas, are more likely to be used and appreciated by recipients. By choosing a practical gift, businesses can ensure that their gift is useful and valuable.
  4. Stick to Your Budget: When choosing end-of-year gifts, it’s important to stick to your budget. While it’s tempting to splurge on expensive gifts, a thoughtful
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