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We can do more than just deliver an item

Do you have an online meeting with customers or employees? Do you want to give them a present? What can you expect from us? * personalisation of the item with your company logo and individual name * customised box with or without your logo or message * personalised message from your company * preparation for […]

Christmas packages

Original Christmas hampers: Just the way you like it Do you have no idea what to put in your Christmas hampers? We will be happy share ideas. In any case, you can expect ecological, social and/or products of Belgian origin in our proposal. Of course, you can also use your own products in the Christmas hampers. The theme? Thanks to […]

Employee rewards

Make sure your employees stay loyal Rewarding employees pays off Do you easily loose employees to other employers? Or is something demotivating them? This can thoroughly disrupt the dynamics in their team. Fortunately, there is a solution. We learned from our years of experience that appreciation can work wonders. So a nice gift at certain times is definitely a […]

Loyalty programme

Your loyalty more rewarded Stronger customer loyalty to your company Every loyal customer likes to receive a valuable gift. And for that he will thank you. Especially in loyalty. A loyalty programme is also an excellent way of attracting new customers. It is the best way to get to know your customers better. You will […]

Wat houdt productveiligheid in?

DOSSIER TRANSPARANTIE – Relatiegeschenken en gadgets of promotiemateriaal moeten veilig zijn in gebruik. Waar wat is productveiligheid nu eigenlijk?

Hoe herkent u namaakproducten?

DOSSIER FISCALITEIT/TRANSPARANTIE: In onze branche komen we wel eens namaakproducten tegen. Waar wat is nu eigenlijk namaak? En hoe herkent u het? Wij leggen het uit.

Voor welke geschenken betaalt u milieubijdragen?

DOSSIER FISCALITEIT – Onder onze dienstverlening horen ook gadgets die we op de Belgische markt verkopen. Daarin zitten vaak batterijen. Hiervoor betaalt u milieubijdragen. En die vermelden we altijd transparant op uw offertes.

Is de btw van promotiemateriaal aftrekbaar?

DOSSIER FISCALITEIT – Promotiemateriaal of reclameartikelen zijn goederen of geschenken die u uitdeelt om uw onderneming meer naamsbekendheid te geven. Maar wanneer is nu de btw ervan aftrekbaar? Wanneer het aan al deze voorwaarden voldoet.

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